Honeywell, Miller Fall Protection Announces Upcoming Training Course Schedule


Honeywell recently announced the 2015 open enrollment Miller fall prevention and protection training schedule. This comprehensive offering of fall prevention and protection classes is part of the Honeywell Safety Institute, an initiative aimed at providing educational tools, resources, and training programs that inspire workers to implement good safety practices in industries around the globe.

The schedule includes fall protection, safety at heights, OSHA and confined space training courses in more than 30 cities throughout the U.S. and Canada, as well as courses at state-of-the-art Honeywell training facilities in Franklin, Pennsylvania, and Houston, Texas. A complete listing of training courses is available at

All open enrollment training courses feature experienced instructors, live demonstrations and hands-on training. Course goals include enabling employees working at heights to recognize fall hazards, evaluating the risk posed by each hazard, and controlling the hazard through preventive or protective measures. The sessions are further customized by location to address site-specific variables and performance requirements of fall prevention and protection.

Topics include:
• At-Height Training, including Fall Protection Rescue, Advanced Fall Protection Rescue, and Competent Tower Climber
• Competent Person Training
• Fall Protection Inspection Training
• Confined Space Training, including Confined Space & Confined Space Entry, and Confined Space Rescue
• OSHA Training, including Construction, General Industry, and Residential Fall Protection training
• Train the Trainer, including Fall Protection Train the Trainer, Wind Energy Train the Trainer, and Confined Space Train the Trainer
• Wind Energy Training, including Basic Height Safety and Competent Climber

— Source: Honeywell/Miller Fall Protection