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July 2024

Improving offshore wind safety

Researchers are developing technology that will provide early warnings in order to prevent divers from having to inspect underwater cables.

Deepwater divers who monitor and maintain underwater transmission lines and cables for offshore wind turbines face hazards such as subfreezing temperatures, low visibility, jellyfish, and sharks. A new project at The University of Texas at Dallas’ Wind Energy Center, known as UTD Wind, is designed to make the divers’ jobs safer through the development of […]
Kim Horner

Rethinking wind power’s towers and turbines

New materials and designs can make a leading source of renewable energy both greener and cheaper.

At first glance, the wind-turbine tower that rises from the green landscape in the Swedish municipality of Skara looks like any other. It reaches a height of 105 meters and, at the top, supports a familiar trio of big rotating blades. But unlike most wind-turbine towers, which are made of steel, this one is wooden. […]
Tom Cassauwers

Beating the heat Protecting wind-energy workers from climate change

By combining acclimatization protocols, wearable technology, weather-based work modifications, and heat safety training, employers can minimize the risks to workers’ health and productivity.

As the world transitions toward renewable energy to combat climate change, the wind-energy sector has seen remarkable growth in recent years. Wind farms, both onshore and offshore, are rapidly expanding to harness the power of wind and generate clean electricity. However, this surge in development is exposing a growing number of workers to the hazards […]
Kyle Hubregtse, Nick Hernandez

June 2024

Resilience in the storm: Lessons learned in navigating hurricanes and turbines

Mitigating risks for offshore wind farms, especially in the face of extreme weather events like hurricanes, is a complex task that requires a deep understanding of various factors.

Harnessing the power of the wind has been a pursuit of humanity for centuries, and the Gulf of Mexico is the latest frontier in this endeavor. As we embark on the journey of constructing wind turbines in this region, we find ourselves looking to the East for guidance. Asia’s wind farms, seasoned by the diverse […]
Anna Hilden

Detecting blade problems before they become an issue

Condition monitoring sensors, used for years to detect imminent failures in a turbine’s gearbox and drivetrain, are being adapted to find often hard-to-see defects in an asset’s massive blades.

Condition monitoring can cover a wide array of preventive measures to ensure wind turbines function optimally. In many cases, this monitoring is focused on the gearbox and its surrounding mechanisms. However, massive spinning blades, with their almost constant exposure to harsh elements, can be a major source of headaches for owner-operators. “When you want to […]
Kenneth Carter

Active and passive systems for wind turbines

In the realm of wind energy, efficient thermal management within wind-turbine components, particularly the nacelle, is essential for optimizing performance and reliability.

Wind energy has emerged as a pivotal player in the global transition toward sustainable energy sources. However, the efficient operation of wind turbines is contingent upon managing heat dissipation within their components, particularly in the nacelle, where critical machinery operates.  Loop thermosyphons offer a reliant passive solution, leveraging the latent heat of a working fluid […]
Haley Myer

May 2024

Developers need processing power

With the demand for developers rapidly growing, advanced simulation capabilities, GIS data integration, and enhanced processing power will be the keys for the successful deployment of U.S. offshore wind development.

Offshore wind development in the United States has seen a remarkable surge in recent years, signaling a large shift in the nation’s renewable energy landscape. While the U.S. was initially slow to adopt offshore wind, there has been a notable acceleration driven by ambitious government targets and increasing investor interest. The White House’s commitment to […]
Anna Rivera

Recovery on the horizon for U.S. wind

Despite challenges from a slow 2023, economics, demand, and policy are aligning to provide significant opportunities for wind going forward.

After a year of lackluster onshore deployments and turbulence in the offshore sector, the U.S. wind industry appears poised to embark on a resurgence in the coming years. In 2023, the U.S. installed the smallest amount of new wind capacity in nearly a decade, data collected by the American Clean Power Association (ACP) shows. Developers […]
John Hensley

Planning your CLEANPOWER 2024 experience

A list of wind-related businesses exhibiting at the premier clean-energy trade show.

With CLEANPOWER 2024 focusing on wind energy, solar energy, and battery storage, looking for wind-only or wind-hybrid businesses might be challenging. To help with your show decisions, Wind Systems offers this list of wind-related businesses exhibiting at the show along with their booth numbers. The highlighted companies are part of the Wind Systems community, our […]
Wind Systems staff

April 2024

Cultivating wind resources in the Gulf of Mexico

In order to capitalize on the U.S.’s clean-energy goals, local economic and workforce developers are looking to diversify Louisiana’s energy landscape through offshore wind production.

For generations, oil and gas production in the Gulf of Mexico has been a leading driver of employment across South Louisiana, creating and sustaining a strong and successful middle-class economy. As the lifeblood of many Louisiana communities, the energy industry’s longstanding presence has permeated not only the region’s culture, but also educational institutions by inspiring […]
Lacy McManus

Women in the energy industry

Women make up only 25 percent of the workforce in the energy sector and 32 percent in the renewable energy sector; however, despite the gender gap, women have historically contributed to advancing technology in the energy field.

Woman-identifying workers make up about a quarter of the workforce in the energy and power sectors. There is a similar pay discrepancy between genders in the renewable energy field, including the solar and wind sectors. In 2019, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) reported women made up only 32 percent of the renewable energy workforce, […]
Caitlin Ritchie

March 2024

Test and Repair 250 feet in the Air

The importance of inspection, maintenance, and performance enhancements on wind turbines.

Over the years, the use of wind power has created a great deal of well-paying jobs, including everything from technicians, researchers, and designers to workers on new wind-energy farms and those that create the latest wind-energy gadgets and discover the latest technology to make wind power even better. Currently, there are more than 125,000 people […]
Mike Palmer

3D printing vs. CNC machining for component manufacturing

While 3D printing has the potential to be an ideal solution in increasing turbine part production, it is crucial not to overlook the benefits of CNC machining.

In the face of rising pressure to meet sustainability goals, manufacturers are urgently seeking the most energy efficient ways to produce parts for demanding applications without compromising on strength or performance. Exploring the pros and cons of CNC machining versus 3D printing can help manufacturers select the right technology. NetZero Now or Never The industrial […]
Luke Smoothy

February 2024

Water droplet erosion testing of turbine blade materials

Controlled testing throughout the turbine-blade development process is critical to selecting materials and manufacturing processes to limit leading-edge and water-droplet erosion damage and to predict their success in the field.

Water droplet erosion (WDE) is the loss of solid material from a surface due to repeated small-scale, high-intensity pressure pulses produced by the impact of high-speed water droplets. Damage from WDE is seen in many applications including steam-turbine blades, aircraft, and missiles, as well as wind-turbine blades. Turbine blades are particularly susceptible to roughening of […]
Greg Loraine

A holistic approach to asset risk management: Is it all or nothing?

In today’s environment, companies need to be able to also make high confidence asset integrity decisions, enabling them to increase the profitability and productivity of the asset base while minimizing the exposure to the risk of catastrophic events.

Asset maintenance first hit the headlines during the late 1980s when it became a target for efficiency improvements throughout the process and chemical industries globally. Initiatives at the time focused upon traditional methods of improvement, reducing the numbers of staff and trying to work smarter with fewer resources. Despite these cuts, the pressure remained for […]
Randy Montgomery

Energize wind operations with more modern control

Turbine control retrofits and green-energy solutions platforms are transforming the way operations teams manage wind-energy generation.

As renewable energy gains more traction in the global economy, wind-farm owners and operators have new opportunities as what was once a niche market for energy production is now considered a critical building block of the global energy economy. Utilities of all sizes are acquiring wind assets and large wind farms to add to their […]
Thomas Andersen

January 2024

Measurements and modeling of friction torque of wind-turbine blade bearings

Multiple double-row, four-point bearings of three different sizes are tested on four different test rigs, and the friction torque at different bending moments and axial loads of the bearings are measured, resulting in significant discrepancies in the torque of identically sized bearings.

By O. Menck, K. Behnke, M. Stammler, A. Bartschat, F. Schleich, and M. Graßmann

The friction torque of rotor blade bearings is a required parameter for the design of pitch actuators and may provide information about continued degradation and impending failure of the bearing. The torque is heavily influenced by the operating conditions and external loads acting on the bearing. Test results for real-size bearings under realistic loads are […]

Lidar vs. Met masts for wind-energy measurement

With the Corlacky Hill Wind Farm in northern Ireland, the RES Group reveals why Lidar is widely trusted for wind resource assessment.

Our ability to harness the power of the wind plays a pivotal role in the transition to a greener and more sustainable future. Staring down the pressing challenges of our changing climate, environmental degradation, and the transition away from our reliance on depleted fossil fuels, wind power represents one of the most scalable and cost-effective […]
Aurélie Jeannin