Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home inFocus


Active and passive systems for wind turbines

Wind energy has emerged as a pivotal player in the global transition toward sustainable energy sources. However, the efficient operation of wind turbines is...

Developers need processing power

Offshore wind development in the United States has seen a remarkable surge in recent years, signaling a large shift in the nation’s renewable energy...

Recovery on the horizon for U.S. wind

After a year of lackluster onshore deployments and turbulence in the offshore sector, the U.S. wind industry appears poised to embark on a resurgence...

Planning your CLEANPOWER 2024 experience

With CLEANPOWER 2024 focusing on wind energy, solar energy, and battery storage, looking for wind-only or wind-hybrid businesses might be challenging. To help with...

Cultivating wind resources in the Gulf of Mexico

For generations, oil and gas production in the Gulf of Mexico has been a leading driver of employment across South Louisiana, creating and sustaining...

Women in the energy industry

Woman-identifying workers make up about a quarter of the workforce in the energy and power sectors. There is a similar pay discrepancy between genders...

Test and Repair 250 feet in the Air

Over the years, the use of wind power has created a great deal of well-paying jobs, including everything from technicians, researchers, and designers to...

3D printing vs. CNC machining for component manufacturing

In the face of rising pressure to meet sustainability goals, manufacturers are urgently seeking the most energy efficient ways to produce parts for demanding...

Water droplet erosion testing of turbine blade materials

Water droplet erosion (WDE) is the loss of solid material from a surface due to repeated small-scale, high-intensity pressure pulses produced by the impact...

A holistic approach to asset risk management: Is it all or nothing?

Asset maintenance first hit the headlines during the late 1980s when it became a target for efficiency improvements throughout the process and chemical industries...

Energize wind operations with more modern control

As renewable energy gains more traction in the global economy, wind-farm owners and operators have new opportunities as what was once a niche market...

Measurements and modeling of friction torque of wind-turbine blade bearings

The friction torque of rotor blade bearings is a required parameter for the design of pitch actuators and may provide information about continued degradation...

Lidar vs. Met masts for wind-energy measurement

Our ability to harness the power of the wind plays a pivotal role in the transition to a greener and more sustainable future. Staring...

Headwinds for offshore construction

Renewable energy development in the United States has grown significantly in recent years. That development is driven by governmental requirements, including renewable portfolio standards;...

How spiral welding is revolutionizing wind-turbine manufacturing

Manufacturing costs and logistics are two challenges to rapidly integrating more renewable energy into the U.S. power system. This is especially true for tall...

Unlocking big savings: The role of predictive maintenance in component reliability

As demand for clean energy rises, the wind industry is scaling rapidly to keep pace with the energy transition. With Wood Mackenzie expecting 1.4...

Time to repower your wind-energy site?

To take advantage of better technology and current tax credits, wind-energy facility owners are repowering their sites, often before the end of the turbines’...

Exploring wind potential in the Gulf of Mexico

The August 29 federal auction of Wind Energy Areas (WEAs) in the Gulf of Mexico marked the first major opportunity for offshore wind developers...

Taking advantage of renewable energy potential

Ahead of Electricity Transformation Canada, the country’s largest renewable energy and storage conference, Wind Systems sat down with the Canadian Renewable Energy Association’s President...

Greases for slow and steady wind-turbine bearings

Wind turbines use the same types of mechanical components as other mechanical systems — bearings, gears, and drive shafts — but their size, operating...