First vertical axis wind turbine awarded certification


Hi-VAWT’s DS3000 small wind turbine is the latest model to achieve certification under the ICC-ES Small Wind Certification Council (ICC-SWCC) Small Wind Turbine (SWT) Program. It is also the first vertical-axis wind turbine (VAWT) to complete the rigorous ICC-SWCC certification process.

Vertical-axis turbines use a unique geometry and feature distinctive vertical blades that are arranged perpendicularly through the wind stream. The Hi-VAWT DS3000 turbine has been granted certification SWCC-18-02, which demonstrates compliance with the AWEA 9.1 standard that serves as the basis of the ICC-SWCC SWT program. Hi-VAWT is based in Taiwan and is represented in the U.S. by Colite Technologies, who submitted the turbine for certification.

The DS3000 turbine’s product information, test reports, and calculations were thoroughly reviewed to confirm that all requirements of the ICC-SWCC SWT program were satisfied.

The DS3000 is a three-blade, vertical-axis wind turbine with a combination Darrieus-Savonius rotor with a 3.7-meter diameter. ICC-SWCC rated its annual energy production at 2,460 kWh per year* and 1.4 kW rated power at 11 m/s wind, and a rated sound level of 42.3 dB(A)**.

* Annual energy production rating assumes average annual wind speed of 5 m/s with a Rayleigh wind-speed distribution, sea level air density and 100 percent availability. Actual production will vary depending on site conditions.

** Assumes the sound level will not be exceeded 95 percent of the time assuming the wind conditions above and observed 60 m from rotor center.

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