Acciona recently put the Palmas Altas Wind Farm into service. Its second Texas project and ninth U.S. wind farm, the project represents a total investment of about $200 million and increases Acciona’s generating capacity in ERCOT to 238 MW.
The wind farm features 46 Nordex technology wind turbines totaling 145 MW capacity.
Palmas Altas is in Cameron County, about 20 miles north of the San Roman wind farm that Acciona started up in December 2016. The new facility will produce about 524 GWh of clean energy per year, equivalent to the consumption of 43,000 U.S. households. It will offset the emission of 503,000 metric tons of CO2 — the equivalent of taking more than 100,000 cars and trucks off the road.
The Palmas Altas project employed about 170 people at the peak of construction. Now completed, a 10-person operations team will staff the wind farm over its 25-year lifespan.
The wind turbines installed in Palmas Altas are Nordex’s AW125/3150 model with a rotor diameter of 125 meters, mounted on an 87.5-meter steel tower (hub height). The energy produced by the wind farm will be sold in the ERCOT-South Texas wholesale market.
Acciona has 1,047 MW of wind power capacity in the U.S. and Canada.
MORE INFO www.acciona.com