AWEA Wind Environmental Health & Safety Seminar 2012


The AWEA Wind Environmental Health & Safety Seminar will be held January 9-10, 2012, in San Diego, California. As the wind industry evolves, so have the responsibilities of the environmental, health and safety (EHS) professional. From reducing incidents and preventing accidents to ensuring environmental compliance, EHS managers are facing new demands and challenges in an uncertain regulatory and standards environment.

Join us for the AWEA Wind Environmental Health & Safety Seminar to deepen your understanding of the issues facing occupational environmental, health and safety professionals in the wind industry and how others are solving issues to some of the industry’s most important challenges. Attend and learn directly from industry experts, interact with other EHS professionals and suppliers, and develop valuable new relationships to help support current and future projects. Come share your experiences and lessons learned with your peers as you discuss current EHS trends in the wind industry; building and improving safety behavior and culture on your work site; emerging issues and safety best practices; and wind energy and the human factor — work smarter not harder.

You are probably familiar with the saying “What gets measured, gets managed.” As EHS professionals are asked to collect, analyze, and report data on everything from material safety data sheets (MSDS), to audit results and incident tracking, you need a way to capture and view all these metrics.

Learn what an EMIS is, how it can help you manage and analyze your data to make decisions, and how to start your search for a software provider. Then sign up for user-led software demonstrations. Learn more at