ICF Study Sees Significant Shift in Energy Sources


ICF International’s newly released second-quarter Integrated Energy Outlook projects a significant shift to renewable, gas, and nuclear sources of energy should new carbon legislation be passed by the U.S. Congress. Energy experts at ICF International, a leading provider of consulting services and technology solutions to government and commercial clients, foresee the retirement of a substantial number of coal-fired electric generation facilities because Hazardous Air Pollution (HAPS) regulations will require large capital outlays for pollution control equipment.

“Uncertainty has become a constant in the energy industry in the wake of unstable commodity prices, price volatility, and looming environmental regulations,” says John Blaney, senior vice president. “The ICF Integrated Energy Outlook provides thorough analysis by energy experts and gives guidance that makes sense of the complicated energy landscape.”

The latest version of ICF’s quarterly Integrated Energy Outlook seeks to answer the key industry questions of whether energy market prices will continue to recover or slip back to 2009 levels, and how energy prices and new regulations will influence power markets. Using a suite of proprietary analytical tools, ICF has worked to integrate the areas of wholesale power, transmission, fuel, and emissions markets in order to offer the most complete picture of the energy industry. By incorporating expertise from all areas of the industry the Outlook is able to provide big picture guidance, as well as market-specific projections and forecasts. For more information visit www.icfi.com/energyoutlook.