Lord Announces Wind Energy Solutions


LORD Corporation–a global leader in the management of motion, vibration and noise–now offers gearbox bushing and generator mounts for the growing wind turbine industry.

According to Susan Alice, LORD National Account Manager, at the request of OEMs, LORD entered the wind energy market by applying technological solutions proven in other industries.

“With more than 80 years of experience in vibration isolation and industrial damping applications, LORD is uniquely qualified to respond to the growing industry need for solutions in the wind energy market,” said Alice. “Our expertise serving the demanding global aerospace and industrial markets makes us a prime candidate to be a major supplier to the wind energy market because we understand the importance of durability and long life-cycles for all components.”

Vibration and motion can contribute to premature failures in wind turbine gearboxes and generators, and the cost of service and the associated downtime is significant.  LORD is able to leverage its engineering design, testing and quality systems developed to make mission critical parts on helicopters and industrial vehicles to provide isolation and motion control products to more than meet design requirements.

LORD Corporation’s first production contract is for a major North American manufacturer of large wind turbines. This OEM sought a local source for key critical components of their turbines in order to reduce supply risk. LORD responded with a design for gearbox bushing and generator mounts. Not only does LORD Corporation’s vast global manufacturing capabilities ensure local production, but the bushing and mount design has proven, through internal testing, to exceed the 20-year service life requirement.

“As a North American supplier, we offer the market the opportunity to design and manufacture components here in the United States, eliminating the need to import large, heavy parts,” said Alice. “But, as a global supplier with manufacturing throughout the world, we can meet customer requirements on a global scale.”

LORD is now working on vibration and motion control products for larger turbines and for new applications including pitch control box mounts. For more information on custom or off-the-shelf design solutions for the wind energy market, please contact LORD at +1 877 ASK LORD (275 5673) or visit www.lord.com/products-and-solutions/wind-energy.xml.