Web Conference on Countering Wind Energy NIMBYism


NIMBY is an acronym well-known in all development industries for “Not In My Back Yard.” As the wind energy industry matures, so does anti-wind energy sentiment. NIMBYism is becoming increasingly prevalent in the United Kingdom, and US wind farms are now encountering well-organized opposition and wind energy NIMBYism become more widespread. Arguments that are most prevalent and difficult for developers to answer surround the topics of noise, flicker, wildlife and habitat fragmentation, decommissioning, confidentiality, safety, efficiency & capacity, subsidies, and costs.


Through the lens of these popular arguments, this 90-minute webinar will educate all wind energy professionals seeking to responsibly represent their company and stave off complaints and concerns in working with county and local governments, landowners, and other important stakeholders. Those attending this seminar will learn how to:

• Disarm the opponent
• Dissect an argument into its structural components
• Spot commonplace fallacies
• Leverage counterarguments
• Assuage fears and concerns about “Wind Turbine Syndrome,” and Sidestep common mistakes made in landowner communications

The presenter is Tiff Thompson, principal at NIMBY Consulting, LLC, and the event will be held on Wednesday, February 15th, 2012, 1:00-2:30 PM Eastern. Please register by Midnight (Eastern), Tuesday, February 14, to receive webinar connection information in a timely manner. Go to www.cvent.com/d/OsxtCJV05keQI6CeFPirfQ/c7xt/P1/1Q?