Home Services Wind Resource Analysis Software

Wind Resource Analysis Software







SecondWind, Inc


Second Wind’s mission is to advance the use of wind data to make wind energy profitable for the businesses and investors who create wind energy plants, painless for the customers who use our products, and practical for the businesses, consumers and utilities that benefit from wind energy as a low-cost and environmentally desirable source of power.

Second Wind prides itself on technology innovation with its in-house hardware development and software engineering talent. The company continues to develop ground-breaking products related to wind data. Our wind resource assessment data loggers and systems are now used in over 40 countries worldwide, including Antartica and the Sahara. Most recently, Second Wind developed the Triton Wind Profiler, which uses advanced sodar technology to provide more wind assessment data than can be acquired by conventional means. Second Wind has an industry-wide reputation for innovative, reliable technology and excellent customer support.