American Wind and Wildlife Institute Names New President


The American Wind and Wildlife Institute (AWWI), a national organization committed to facilitating timely and responsible development of wind energy and the protection of wildlife and wildlife habitat, has announced the selection of Kraig Butrum to serve as its first president. He brings 25 years of experience in non-profit administration to AWWI. As a first priority he will hire a research director to prioritize and fund research so that developers can make informed siting decisions in relation to wildlife and conservation issues. Early in his tenure he will oversee the implementation and expansion of AWWI’s research, mapping, mitigation, and outreach and education initiatives.

“The time is now for America to address global climate change, diversify its energy base, and lessen its dependence on foreign sources of oil,” says Butrum. “I look forward to hitting the ground running in order to provide the research and information needed to meet our nation’s goal to triple development of wind energy in the next few years while protecting biodiversity and critical habitat.”

AWWI was founded in October 2008 by 20 of the nation’s top science-based conservation and environmental groups and wind energy companies with the mission of facilitating timely and responsible development of wind energy while protecting wildlife and wildlife habitat. It does this through research, mapping, mitigation, and public education on best practices in wind farm siting and habitat protection. The institute’s members include AES Wind Generation, Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Babcock and Brown, BP Alternative Energy, Clipper Windpower, E.ON, Environmental Defense Fund, enXco, GE Energy, Horizon Wind Energy, Iberdrola Renewables, National Audubon Society, Natural Resources Defense Council, Nordic Windpower, NRG Systems, Renewable Energy Systems Americas, The Nature Conservancy, The Sierra Club, Union of Concerned Scientists, and Vestas America. To learn more, please visit