Action Needed to Save American Wind Jobs


The U.S. Senate is currently working on tax legislation intended to pass before the end of this year, so we are asking you to contact your Senators right away to urge them to include the renewable energy production tax credit (PTC) extension in any tax bill that moves forward this month.

With the uncertainty of the future of the renewable energy production tax credit (PTC), businesses are hesitant to plan future U.S. wind projects, American manufacturers have seen a drop in orders, and layoffs have already started. For the purposes of the American wind industry manufacturing sector, the PTC effectively expires at the end of this year. To preserve tens of thousands of good-paying manufacturing jobs, we need to come together immediately to make our message crystal clear to the U.S. Senate: we urgently need Congress to take action to extend the renewable energy production tax credit (PTC) before the end of this calendar year.

Time is of the essence, so please take action today. Thank you very much for taking action on this crucial issue.