Windreich and Tennet Agree on Interim Connections for Offshore Wind Farm


The Windreich Group, comprised of British Wind Energy GmbH and TenneT TSO GmbH, has signed an agreement for the production of a temporary grid connection of the offshore wind farm, Deutsche Bucht. Subsequently, the wind farm Deutsche Bucht will be connected to the already commissioned grid connection, BorWin2 by TenneT, to serve as a temporary solution in order to generate power until the originally intended wind farm grid connection, BorWin4, is completed.

While BorWin4 is still in the tendering phase, BorWin2 is already under construction with a total capacity of 800MW. The primary legitimate offshore wind farms are Veja Mate and also the 400MW wind farm Global Tech I initiated by Windreich AG. After the grid connection BorWin4 is completed, the wind farm Deutsche Bucht is to be integrated to these connections in full power. In addition, it was also agreed upon to settle the ongoing litigations. Under this agreement, a timely construction and commissioning of the third Windreich`s wind farm Deutsche Bucht in 2015 is secured.

“Our common interest in contract negotiations was to successfully contribute to the implementation of the energy transition, to which billions of euros have been invested from both companies respectively,” Windreich AG CEO Willi Balz said.

The installation, commissioning, and acceptance of the converter stations, cable conduction, and installation of the AC cable will continue to be managed under the responsibility of TenneT TSO. These regulations shall not be affected by the temporary grid connectivity.

“We want to promote the development of offshore wind energy, so that the objectives of the energy transition can be achieved,” TenneT board member Lex Hartman said. “I am therefore delighted that together with Windreich AG, we have quickly and constructively found a pragmatic solution for the wind farm Deutsche Bucht”. For more information, visit or