Goldwind Breaks into Romanian, Eastern European Markets


Goldwind recently announced the first successful installation of its 2.5 MW PMDD wind turbine, as part of a 50 MW turbine supply contract with the Romanian company Mireasa Energies S.R.L. The installation also marks the first Chinese wind turbine in Romania as well as Eastern European Market.

The Mireasa project is located in Constanta, Romania’s second largest harbor city. The city is on the west coast of the Black Sea—170 kilometers east of the capital city of Bucharest. The Constanta region is one of the country’s most prosperous areas.

Constanta has several benefits, including a temperate climate with an average annual temperature of about 10 degrees Celsius, annual rainfall of 600 to 800 millimeters, and the main attraction for electric generation is its abundant wind.

Goldwind customized its permanent-magnet direct-drive wind turbine to optimize its operating performance for local conditions in Constanta—a standard practice for the company’s installations. The objectives are to make the best use of the wind resources and to provide the most durable long-life performance for each installation, given the location’s environment.

Twenty Goldwind 2.5 MW wind turbines were expected to be shipped to Romania by the end of 2013. The turbine installations and connections to the local electric grid are to be completed in June. Monsson Alma, a local wind power developer in Romania, will operate the wind farm.