December 2011
Understanding the importance of field tiles and identifying ways to mitigate issues
Understanding the importance of field tiles and identifying ways to mitigate issues will help to improve landowner relations and lower overall construction costs.
Insights on how to safeguard personnel during the long winter months
In this conclusion of a two-part series, the author continues his discussion of preseason winter preparations, providing insights on how to safeguard personnel during the long winter months.
Conversion factors are needed in order to navigate the relative interpretation of time-averaged extreme wind conditions
In order to properly navigate the relative interpretation of time-averaged extreme wind conditions in various standards and data sources, conversion factors are needed.
Logistics planning requires factoring in the interaction between weather and the terrain
Logistics planning requires factoring in the interaction between weather and the terrain to be transversed — taking a 3D rather than a 2D approach.
October 2011
Anyone approaching a turbine under icy conditions needs to know how to protect themselves from shedding ice.
Anyone approaching a wind turbine under conditions where icing may form needs to know how to identify and protect themselves from shedding ice.
Cold weather can affect the reliability of a wind project, as well as the productivity of its service team
Cold weather can impact the reliability of a wind project, as well as the productivity of its service team. This first in a two-part series examines how preseason preparations benefit both.
A new concept for designing blades is through adaptive blade technology
A new concept for designing blades is through adaptive blade technology, which may allow more energy to be captured and lower blade loads to be experienced.
Successful logistics planning benefits from understanding border rules
Seasoned travelers understand that rules change once borders are crossed. Successful logistics planning benefits from that realization, as well.
September 2011
Lack of proper planning during crane walks results in schedule issues and unexpected costs
Lack of proper planning or poor scope definition during crane walks predictably results in schedule issues and unexpected costs. Here’s how to prepare your path.
A predictive program will include an assessment of the failure mode for each event
Where an OEM scheduled maintenance plan takes only component life into account, a predictive program will include an assessment of the failure mode for each event.
Turbine technology is rapidly evolving to meet the stringent demands of grid stability, reliability
Turbine technology is rapidly evolving to meet the stringent demands of grid stability, reliability, and economic extraction of wind energy from lower average wind speed sites.
Barge is a third viable form of transport for wind components
Barge is a third viable form of transport for wind components, especially in strategically located wind farms near water access or for the import or export of components.
August 2011
Clarifying scope definition prior to beginning a project
Clarifying scope definition prior to beginning a project can save time and alleviate tensions between wind farm owners and contractors.
Annual analyses of faults that cause downtime can shed light on nuisance-type issues
Annual analyses of frequent turbine faults that cause downtime can shed light on what seemingly nuisance-type issues are really eating your lunch!
The more engaged today’s youth are in the stewardship of our natural resources, the brighter their future will be
The more engaged today’s youth are in the stewardship of our natural resources, the brighter their future will be. Programs like Wind for Schools will help.
By developing logistics strategies that benefit the entire system, companies can improve performance
By viewing the entire supply chain holistically and developing logistics strategies that benefit the entire system, companies can improve performance and reduce cost.
July 2011
Once your project has been cleared to proceed, which construction strategy will you choose?
Once your project has been cleared to proceed, which construction strategy will you choose? This installment provides a comparison of two methods, including pros and cons.
Focusing on the sightline from maintenance reliability to business success
To be proficient in managing your maintenance plan, it should be both a common practice and a team effort to focus on the sightline from maintenance reliability to business success.
The challenges involved in building integrated wind energy include wind flow, structure siting, unit certification, and aesthetics
The challenges involved in building-integrated wind energy include wind flow, structure siting, unit certification, and even aesthetic concerns. Read on to learn more.
Mitigating or avoiding demurrage and detention fees
Demurrage and detention fees are penalty charges that owners apply when transportation equipment sits idle. Here’s how they can be mitigated, or avoided altogether.
June 2011
There is a profound distinction between education and training
Those struggling with achieving consistent quality outcomes will find that there is a profound distinction between education and training. Read on to learn the difference.
An interdisciplinary workforce of engineers is essential for advancements in wind turbine technology
An interdisciplinary workforce of engineers is essential for advancements in wind turbine technology, which is being addressed by universities such as Penn State.
It is critical to balance site section criteria against the needs of the project site
As more companies use inventory pre-positioning techniques to reduce component delivery cost and limit risk, it is critical to balance site section criteria against the needs of the project site.
May 2011
The rise in mobile technology is the catalyst that the wind industry needs
The rise in mobile and wireless technology capability is the catalyst that the wind industry needs in order to keep pace with owner demands for real-time turbine status.
The past, present, and future of research into modeling a turbine’s wake
In this installment the author discusses the past, present, and future of research into modeling the wake behind wind turbines.
Overland transport is a crucial link in the supply chain
Overland transport is a crucial link in the supply chain, so it’s important to understand how new trucking regulations will affect the wind market.
April 2011
Ensuring worker safety is a critical aspect of a construction project’s success
Ensuring worker safety is a critical aspect of a construction project’s success. This first in a two-part series outlines the importance of emergency preparedness.
Cleaning the turbine properly is just as important as more-technical O&M procedures
It could be argued that cleaning the turbine properly is just as important as more-technical O&M procedures. Here are the points you should keep in mind.
The U.S. DOE has announced funding opportunities for a “National Offshore Wind Strategy”
The U.S. Department of Energy has announced funding opportunities for a “National Offshore Wind Strategy.” Here’s what you should know about getting onboard.
Component manufacturers will benefit by understanding how to use rail as an alternative transport mode
March 2011
There are many challenges to be overcome during wind farm electrical “balance of plant” work
There are many challenges to be overcome during wind farm electrical “balance of plant” work, which includes full wind park electrical integration. Here, the experts share helpful tips.
Wind project owners, site managers, and technicians alike need to understand the value of troubleshooting skills
Wind project owners, site managers, and technicians alike need to understand the value of troubleshooting skills, passing them along to new entrants in this growing workforce.
Obama signals support for the future of renewable energy
When President Obama visited Penn State to introduce a new energy conservation initiative, he signaled the administration’s support for the future of renewable energy in this country.
How do you minimize the risks and costs associated with market uncertainty?
How do you minimize the risks and costs associated with market uncertainty? Change past behavior and innovate!
February 2011
Cement grouting is an effective alternative to reconstruction of the foundation
A proven technique for stopping or reducing settlement, cement grouting is an effective, cost-efficient alternative to complete reconstruction of the foundation.
Proper lubrication and contaminant control are critical in order to attain long gearbox service life
Proper lubrication and contaminant control are critical in order to attain long gearbox service life, both during and after the warranty period.
Turbine icing is an increasing challenge to the economics of wind energy
Turbine icing is an increasing challenge to the economics of wind energy in cold climates. Read on to learn how it happens, what it causes, and how it can be addressed.
Why should a developer assess strategic logistics considerations before final OEM selection?
Why should a developer assess strategic logistics considerations before final OEM selection? Because you need to know what you’re paying for!
January 2011
Chemical grouting is an effective alternative to complete reconstruction of the foundation system
A proven technique for stopping or reducing settlement, chemical grouting is an effective, cost-efficient alternative to complete reconstruction of the foundation system.
Protecting turbine cables is vital
Protecting turbine cables is vital, and at each maintenance interval sufficient time must be given to their care in order to avoid unnecessary and expensive downtime.
Penn State offers an emerging educational and research program in wind energy
Penn State offers an emerging educational and research program in wind energy, and it is aiming to become a major contributor to research excellence in the U.S. wind industry.
U.S. wind market undulations cause ripple effects in transportation
U.S. wind market undulations cause ripple effects in transportation, so understanding recent history can help guide logistics planning and procurement going forward.