Editors Desk


In late 2012, researchers from the University of Scranton published results of a New Year’s resolution study in the Journal of Clinical Psychology.

Their findings showed that 45 percent of Americans “usually” make resolutions. Some don’t keep their resolutions past the first week.  Less than half make it six months.

 Eight percent are successful.

Just over a year ago—back when I barely knew what a megawatt was, and the industry was rolling the credits on its best year ever—I boldly issued a challenge to a nervous, uncertain industry to press onward beyond the likely effects of the tension and delayed renewal of the PTC. I re-affirmed Wind Systems’ commitment to the industry moving forward, and called for partners in our cause.

What a difference a year makes… for the industry and for Wind Systems.

The industry as a whole has indeed felt the effects of the late renewal. The future, however, is looking brighter. But you don’t have to take my word for it. AWEA’s Carl Levesque covers the topic superlatively in his column on page 8.

As for Wind Systems… I’m pleased to announce that we’re an “8-percenter.”

If you’re a regular reader, let me go ahead and answer your question now.  Ahem… Yes. This is the same magazine. Only… well… it’s a completely different magazine.

As the industry evolves, Wind Systems also had to evolve. Actually, that may be misleading. Evolution is a gradual process. Wind Systems, on the other hand, has been radically transformed.

In the pages that follow, you’ll see those changes.

You’ll see how we re-imagined and rebuilt our editorial content from the ground up to provide our readers with expanded coverage of a broader range of topics.

You’ll see how we re-designed the magazine for easy readability and an attractive presentation.

You’ll see how we brought these changes about, without straying from our philosophy that growth in wind energy is found in the “building-block” segments of the industry—Maintenance, Construction, Innovation, and Manufacturing.

Most of all, you’ll see the whole picture. You’ll see our purpose, our mission, our… resolution… of championing the cause of Giving Wind Direction.

Thanks for reading!