Russelectric highlights EMO switches


Russelectric, a Siemens business, a manufacturer of power control systems and automatic transfer switches, is highlighting the external manual operator (E.M.O.), a standard feature of the Russelectric® RTS-03 Series and RTS-30 Series of open-transition automatic transfer switches, a line of 480 VAC 30-cycle and 3-cycle UL tested switches available in the market today. The unique External Manual Operator feature enables easy, safe, and quick manual transfer with the door fully closed, reducing downtime and the risk of arc flash injuries.

The EMO design enables manual transfer with the door fully closed. (Courtesy: Russelectric)

With the external manual operator, the manual transfer process is faster for both the preferred and the alternative power sources, and no special procedures are required to ensure the system is de-energized during the transfer operation.

The External Manual Operator uses the same Russelectric transfer mechanism as the automatic electrical operator. During an open-transition transfer, the contact mechanism is locked in position until an over-center position is reached. Preloaded springs then instantaneously open the closed contacts (quick-break) and instantaneously close the open contacts (quick-make) with only a momentary break in between.

This quick-break design along with rapid arc quenching features provide for rapid arc interruption, under maximum voltage and amperage, reducing contact erosion and overheating to extend useful life. Russelectric transfer switches have the highest 480 VAC 3-cycle closing and withstand ratings of any switches available today.

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