Senvion Announces Chairman Transition


Senvion S.A. recently announced Steven Holliday has joined the supervisory board as its new chairman. Holliday has been approved by the supervisory board to follow Stefan Kowski, who stepped down as chairman and retired from the supervisory board following the annual general meeting of Senvion’s shareholders in May.

Holliday has a distinguished background that includes extensive and relevant board level experience. He led National Grid, an international electricity and gas company responsible for delivering energy across the U.K. and the northeastern U.S., as chief executive for nearly 10 years and was a non-executive director of Marks & Spencer for 10 years. Holliday has been deputy chairman and senior independent non-executive director at FTSE 100 listed ConvaTec since its 2016 IPO and is also the lead non-executive director at DEFRA, the U.K. government’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

“Management and the supervisory board are very pleased to welcome Steven Holliday as chairman,” said Jürgen, CEO at Senvion. “The company continues to execute its growth strategy by driving innovation, quality, and growth by focusing on our customers.”

“I would like to express my personal thanks and appreciation for Stefan Kowski’s passionate work and commitment,” Geissinger said.

“It has been an honor and a very fulfilling mission to serve as chairman of Senvion while the company has strengthened its position as a technology leader,” Kowski said. 

Source: Senvion

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