CEE Group Acquires Wind Farm In Brandenburg


The Hamburg private equity firm CEE continues to expand its wind-power portfolio and has acquired another German wind farm in Lüdersdorf, Brandenburg. The seller is the Danish company, European Energy A/S.

The wind farm consists of two turbines (type Vestas V112). The hub height is 140 meters; the rotor diameter is 112 meters, and the wind farm’s overall capacity is 6.6 MW. The turbines, which were commissioned in May, will deliver environmentally friendly power for about 5,000 households a year.

CEE Operations, which manages the CEE Group’s power-plant portfolio, is responsible for the commercial side. The seller of the wind farm is the project developer European Energy A/S, Copenhagen, from which CEE recently acquired a 27.6 MW wind farm in Brandenburg.

“The acquired turbines will ideally complement CEE’s existing portfolio and underline our strategy of ongoing growth in the core German market,” said Detlef Schreiber, the CEE Group’s CEO. “For our investors, this means that we will continue to generate regular stable income and attractive returns.”

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“We are very pleased with this follow-up transaction, which we have successfully implemented with European Energy after the Vormark project,” said Felicitas Hauk, investment director and responsible for projects at CEE. “A further project is also due to be completed shortly.”

“With the successful implementation of the follow-up project in Lüdersdorf, we once again demonstrated our expertise in Germany as one of our core markets,” said Knud Erik Andersen, managing director and main shareholder of European Energy A/S. “In addition, the project testifies to our expertise in repowering. We are pleased to collaborate with experienced partners such as the CEE Group and also see new opportunities to cooperation in the future.”

Following the acquisition of the Lüdersdorf wind farm, the CEE Group’s renewable energies portfolio has grown to about 592 MW.

In 2017, CEE’s energy parks should produce about 930,000 MWh of power from renewable sources. 

Source: CEE Group

For more information, go to www.cee-group.de