CTV operators driving transparent approach to offshore operations


Leading CTV operators are driving for more transparency around vessel performance as the market seeks to “level the playing field” in offshore wind support. While historically project owners have led demands for greater transparency around operational and performance data, a number of CTV vessel operators have identified a clear market opportunity in being ahead of the curve.

That is, at least, according to Reygar, a leading provider of innovative remote monitoring and reporting platforms to the marine industry, whose BareFLEET system continues to be rolled out by many offshore wind CTV operators.

The drive for transparency has been a long time in the making, coming in response to rising demand from offshore wind project owners for CTV operational and performance data. This data, which includes motion, engine performance, weather conditions, and fuel consumption, has a strong influence on procurement decisions as owners look to increase “time on turbine” for their technicians, as well as the overall safety and cost-efficiency of their projects.

The drive for vessel-performance transparency comes in response to rising demand from offshore wind project owners for CTV operational and performance data. (Courtesy: Reygar)

To date however, supplying this data has been seen as a “check-box” requirement. Initiatives such as “p-plot,” supported by wind-farm owners, have provided a strong model for increasing clarity by looking to formulate a standard to measure the relative operational performance of CTVs in different sea states.

However, this top-down approach to shared data has received a mixed reception from vessel operators, given the perceived commercial risk of opening their data to the market and the cost of gathering and processing the necessary operational data.

In contrast, leading operators including Seacat Services, CWind, Tidal Transit, High Speed Transfers, and Maritime Craft Services have found that taking data monitoring into their own hands through the installation of the BareFLEET system is an opportunity for commercial development, rather than a hurdle.

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