Vestas Spare Parts & Repair for Wind Turbine Owners


Vestas Spare Parts & Repair currently operates offices worldwide to service the world’s largest installed fleet of wind turbines. Since January 2009, Vestas has had a dedicated organization for servicing its customers. A brand-new office center next to the Vestas Headquarters in Randers, Denmark, has been constructed. Furthermore, locations for the leadership team are also being set up in Bristol, UK, together with sections of engineering, customer service, and platform management. In Q4 2009 a gearbox service center was scheduled to open in Spain, and in Q1 2010, a second one is planned to follow in Colorado.

“We are making these radical changes and large investments so that we can further improve the customer experience,” says Phil Jones, president of Vestas Spare Parts & Repair. “These developments mark the continued focus on bringing service to world-class standards.”

The entire warehouse and distribution network will service the seven Vestas sales business units, and the objectives are to be consolidated into one global, world-class network in 2010. Today, Vestas Spare Parts & Repair has a staff of 230, with the vast majority located in Randers, Denmark. By the end of 2010 an additional 150 people will have joined. To learn more go to