Customer Behavior and The Smart Grid is Focus of Fall AESP Meeting


What is the level of customer acceptance and understanding of the smart grid? How can utilities further drive understanding and encourage significant and permanent changes in customer behavior? The Association of Energy Services Professionals (AESP) will delve into these topics with national experts at their Fall Conference in Dallas October 3-6, 2011. The conference titled “Customer Behavior & The Smart Grid” includes a keynote address by Dr. Julie M. Albright from the University of Southern California whose latest research focuses on the social and behavioral aspects of energy efficiency and smart grid technology adoption. Most recently Albright was instrumental in securing a $121 million grant from the Department of Energy (DOE) for a smart grid demonstration project.

Oncor is the Dallas-based host utility for this event that will draw industry professionals from across the country. The conference will feature a series of comprehensive educational discussions delivered by industry thought leaders. Attendees will also be able to take advantage of numerous networking opportunities, and have the chance to learn about the latest products, services and solutions from 30 exhibitors and industry innovators.

AESP provides professional development programs, a network of energy practitioners, and promotes the transfer of knowledge and experience. Its members work in the energy services industry and represent electric and natural gas utilities, public benefits associations, regulatory and non-profit entities, vendors, manufacturers, and consulting firms. For a detailed agenda or additional information about the conference, and for sponsorship opportunities, visit or call (480) 704-5900.