Bachmann, Acelerex team up on clean energy systems


Bachmann has partnered with Cambridge, Massachusetts, company Acelerex for clean-energy technologies. The companies are offering combined products and services for turnkey solutions targeting the growing world markets for clean-energy systems.

Bachmann has been developing automation and system solutions for more than 50 years and manufactures quality power-plant controls and measurement systems. Bachmann systems are deployed around the world in more than 130,000 wind turbines.

Acelerex has developed a technology stack of a cloud-based subscription software with web-interface that has features of artificial intelligence, universal energy management system, real-time optimization and control, stacked services, grid analytics, and SCADA.

“With the recent passing of the Inflation Recovery Act in the USA, we are excited for the growth prospects of renewables and the value our combined offering will bring to the market,” said Bachmann CEO Bernhard Zangerl.

“Our software systems complement the Bachmann products for offering high-quality reliable, grid focused intelligent solutions required for optimization and real-time control of renewables and energy-storage systems,” said Terry Boston, Acelerex Board, former CEO PJM Interconnect.

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