BOEM, NOAA to collaborate on offshore goals


The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) signed an interagency memorandum in support of the Biden-Harris administration’s offshore wind energy goals to advance wind energy responsibly while protecting biodiversity and promoting cooperative ocean use.

The new agreement underscores BOEM’s and NOAA’s commitment to responsibly deploy 30 GW of wind energy production capacity in federal waters by 2030. (Courtesy: BOEM)

The administration set a goal of increasing the nation’s offshore wind-energy capacity. This new agreement underscores BOEM’s and NOAA’s commitment to responsibly deploy 30 GW of wind energy production capacity in federal waters by 2030. The memorandum will help leverage the responsibilities, expertise, and relationships of both BOEM and NOAA in support of the goal by outlining areas of cooperation and creating a framework to develop future, more detailed agreements related to specific program areas.

“We are already seeing the impacts of climate change on communities across the country and the ocean resources that we manage,” said BOEM Director Amanda Lefton. “Now is the time to act. Working together, we will further advance offshore wind, which can play a critical role in meeting our country’s energy needs while combating climate change and creating new family-supporting jobs.”

“This agreement and the collaboration between BOEM and NOAA show that fighting climate change and responsible resource management go hand-in-hand,” Lefton said.

“This agreement is powerful and timely as we face climate change head on,” said NOAA administrator Rick Spinrad, Ph.D. “It will help ensure coordination, collaboration, and alignment by NOAA and BOEM at key decision points in support of the Administration’s offshore wind energy goal.”

“It will also provide specific pathways for NOAA data and services while protecting our ecosystems and marine resources,” Spinrad said.

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