Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home inFocus Page 24


Turbine reliability a crucial part of success

As the U.S. wind industry begins a trend of increased post-warranty operations, owners are taking aim at turbine reliability as a critical aspect in...

A look at turbine noise

As the industry continues to grow and develop and with wind turbines continuing to be deployed across the nation, the likelihood of wind farms...

Harnessing the power of offshore wind

Offshore energy production is gaining traction as consumption of electricity from conventional sources declines and renewable sources continue to grow. Countries and companies alike...

The Future of Wind Turbine Diagnostics

Wind energy is undergoing expansion, and it is bound to grow to a commercial/consumer level in the decades to come. This growth has materialized...

Compaction grouting has multiple advantages

When the site of a planned wind tower is underlain by sufficiently dense granular soils, a mat foundation can be designed to safely support...

Transporting components can affect long-term profitability

The owner of a newly commissioned wind project can generally expect a full return of their investment over 20 years. After all, despite the...

Equipment shortage possible on a global scale

In the January issue we noted that 2010 promises to be a challenge for the wind power industry as general equipment availability and transport...

Loose ground can create foundation design challenges

Soft or loose ground at the site of a new tower can pose challenges to the design of the foundation. Jet grouting can modify...

O&M issues to increase through the decade

By the end of 2010, for the first time in U.S. history more wind turbines will be operating out of warranty than will be...

Wind systems have gotten more effective and reliable

As wind turbines have gotten larger over the last couple of decades, it is difficult to imagine the limitations in size or the future...

Foundation ‘gaps’ can prove costly

Wind power companies routinely face performance issues throughout their supply chains. These functional “gaps” often become problems that can prove very costly. Some gaps...

Dealing with a wind tower’s high load

Wind towers are not particularly heavy, but are subject to high lateral loads at a distance high above their base, resulting in a large...

Test rig built to help validate bearing designs

Alternative energy generation is becoming an important part of the power generation mix, and it is likely that the size of individual generating units...

Robust supply chain crucial for blades

A robust, reliable, and high-quality supply chain of wind turbine blades is crucial for the sustainability of the wind industry to ensure growth and...

Avoiding wind farm construction risks

For those responsible for the construction of wind farms, risks literally could be just around the corner. If your project logistics resources do not...

Increasing reliability with condition monitoring

With the growth of wind farms, users are turning to condition monitoring and automatic lubrication systems for increased reliability. The following questions, and answers,...

DOE 1.5 turbine lets NWTC conduct research

The two largest wind turbines ever erected at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s (NREL) National Wind Technology Center (NWTC) towered into the sky this...

Turbines must meet certification requirements

Almost all large wind turbines available on the market today have been certified by an international certification body through a comprehensive design evaluation, testing,...

A look at preventive maintenance

With the increasing investment into the development of wind farms, preventive maintenance takes on an important role in ensuring the reliability and cost-effectiveness of...

Micropiles are versatile foundation systems

Many deep foundation systems are available for support of wind turbine tower foundations, including driven piles, drilled caissons, augercast piles, and micropiles. Of these...