Centrica Energy Benefits from Romax Insight’s Wind Farm Solution Services


A multi-national integrated energy business and parent company of British Gas, Centrica Energy has 27.9 million customer accounts and a total operating profit of £1.7 bn. Romax InSight wind energy services support the company’s Lincs, Lynn and Inner Dowsing (LID) wind farms with an all-in-one fleet monitoring solution including monitoring, inspecting, giving advice, and performing grease flushing and root cause analysis.

Romax has supported Centrica Energy’s co-owned LID wind farms for almost three years by analyzing data, providing monthly performance and condition reports, and advising on lead times to major component failure.  

In one particular investigation, vibration increases prompted main bearing inspections to confirm micropitting damage and metallic debris in the grease. This was closely monitored by Romax over the winter months to ensure the damage did not reach a critical level when turbine access is limited. When the weather improved, Romax deployed its patented flushing process to remove the contaminated grease and allow a complete inspection of the downwind main bearing on both sides. After repacking with fresh grease, to improve the operating conditions of the rolling elements, post-flush condition monitoring of both the vibration and SCADA data was performed. The results showed a plateau in the vibration levels in the bearing and a reduction in operating temperature of between 5°C and 10°C, meaning the life of the component was extended and it could be removed from service at the same time as other remedial works.

“Romax provides technical insights to guide our investigations, to ensure turbines operate more reliably, and to have an extended lifespan, which allows us to better protect and leverage our investments,” said Tom Kent, senior wind turbine engineer at Centrica Energy. “Romax helps us to understand and control rising O&M costs. We have the peace of mind that we are highly unlikely to experience a serial drivetrain issue any time soon, and we have an opportunity to optimize the smooth running of our operations and energy production as well as to reduce the overall cost of energy.”

To find out more about the benefits that Centrica Energy found through Romax’ InSight offerings, go to www.romaxtech.com, click on the Customers tab, and then select Case Studies.

For more information, go to www.romaxtech.com. 

— Source: Romax Technology