Siemens Installs 7MW Offshore Prototype

Generator and electrical system testing currently underway at Denmark site


Only a few months after its sales launch at the EWEA Offshore trade show in Copenhagen, the new Siemens offshore flagship wind turbine of the type SWT-7.0-154 has now been installed as a prototype. The planned field-testing of the 7MW offshore turbine, installed onshore in Osterild, Denmark, mainly focuses on the upgraded generator and the enhanced electrical system. The majority of other components are equal to the proven technology of the Siemens SWT-6.0-154 – including the 154-meter rotor diameter. This latest edition of the D7 product platform can produce 32 million kWh of clean electricity under offshore wind conditions — enough energy to supply up to 7,000 households.

In May 2011, Siemens installed the first prototype of its direct drive offshore wind turbine, while in the meantime the direct drive wind turbine has become the benchmark in the offshore wind industry.

“The installation of the 7-MW version is an exciting step in its further development,” said Morten Rasmussen, head of technology at Siemens Wind Power and Renewables division. “Based on the reliable technology and supply chain of our 6MW machine, we have improved our flagship wind turbine with stronger permanent magnets, optimized generator segments and upgraded converter and transformer units. With only these minor changes, we expect to get it ready for serial production within only two years.”

The gearless drive technology allows for a compact design. Using Siemens’ direct drive technology, the SWT-7.0-154 is the lightest turbine of its class. The combination of robust design and low weight reduces offshore infrastructure, installation, and maintenance costs. Today’s cranes and installation vessels will be sufficient for its installation.  

— Source: Siemens