AWS Truepower Acquires Energy-Related Forecasting Assets from Meso Inc.


AWS Truepower, an international leader in wind and solar energy consulting and engineering services, recently announced that it has acquired the energy-related forecasting assets of Meso, Inc., their long-term partner in renewable energy forecasting and grid services.

Meso, a founding partner of the former TrueWind Solutions, and AWS Truepower have collaborated for years in providing wind and solar power forecasting services to the utility and renewable energy industries around the world. Major clients include the California ISO, ERCOT, Hawaiian Electric, New York ISO, Ontario IESO, E.ON, and Enel. Thanks to this partnership, AWS Truepower has become the top wind and solar forecaster in North America with forecasts being provided for over 50,000 MW of capacity.

Meso and AWS Truepower have also worked closely together on numerous ground-breaking research projects around forecasting and grid integration, and Meso has provided key support for the development of AWS Truepower’s wind mapping and modeling systems, which continue to lead the industry in accuracy.

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“By joining together, we expect to achieve even more success in the future,” said Bruce Bailey, CEO of AWS Truepower. “This move consolidates the Meso and AWS Truepower operations, enabling us to serve our clients more effectively and positioning us to invest in new markets for forecasting and other grid solutions.”

Meso’s staff joined AWS Truepower as part of the company’s Grid Solutions business unit. John Zack, president of Meso, will lead the new unit as vice president for Grid Solutions. 

Source: AWS Truepower

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