Eliminating Uncertainty with Sodar

As the wind energy matures, project developers and financiers are asking for more-accurate predictions of power performance. Remote sensing systems including sonic detection and...

A Greener Wind Farm

The desire for more efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly power generation continues to grow exponentially. Recently the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) published a...

Optimizing Design to Maximize Profitability

Wind energy has the potential to make a major contribution toward solving the world’s energy problems, but it faces significant obstacles in improving its...

The Mobile Age of Service Technology

An attentive car owner knows his vehicle so intimately that he can easily sense when something isn’t quite right. Whether it’s a small noise...

Thinking Outside the Gearbox

The wind industry is currently moving at an incredible pace, despite restrictions mainly having to do with legislative issues. As with anything else, however,...

Torque Certification Marks Maintenance Advances

When people think about windpower generation, the first thought usually extends to the blade cutting through the breeze, the aerodynamic turbine capsule, or the...

Laser Measurement for Tower Flanges

As any wind professional knows, the towers supporting massive turbines are far more complicated than they might appear from the ground, requiring incredibly precise...

Concrete Proof: The Majestic Wind Farm

As of January 2009 Texas is the nation’s number-one producer in megawatts of installed utility-scaled wind power, with a total of 7,116 megawatts. As...

Fastening Technology for Tower Integrity

Wind turbines are awe-inspiring machines. Rising hundreds of feet into the sky, with their blades spinning majestically, they make a humming sound that I...

Big Gears for Big Wind

New maintenance services and technologies are constantly being introduced into the wind industry, because a primary concern involves the longevity of towers and related...

Plate Rolling for Wind Towers

With the available and untapped wind resources in the United States, wind power is all but guaranteed to be a boon to its economy...

Specialty Lubricants for Optimum Operation

Wind turbines have seen rapid development during the past few years, and lubricants are of particular importance in this context. Lubricants play a vital...

A Case for Wind Farm Construction

This paper presents a general interest construction topic and introduces the unique techniques used to manage and construct a wind turbine electricity farm that...

Links in the Wind Supply Chain

Current economic conditions, rising energy prices, demand and supply uncertainties, and multiple environmental concerns are driving the United States to rethink its energy portfolio...

Shifting Political Winds Usher in Opportunities

When the American Clean Energy and Security Act was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives in late June, it was trumpeted as one...

Wind Turbine Gearbox Durability

The reliability of wind turbines is a major issue for the industry. Wind turbine failures can be extremely costly in terms of repair costs,...

Brushing Up on Turbine Generator Maintenance

From the piercing cold of Mongolia to the oppressive desert heat of the American West, wind turbine generators are subjected to extremely harsh environments,...

Avoiding Shocks to the System

To a thunderstorm a wind tower appears as a lightning rod, meaning that generators are highly susceptible to the effects of lightning. They are...

Creative Condition Monitoring

Condition monitoring is a machine maintenance tool that is becoming a component of long–term service packages provided by some wind turbine manufacturers. In general,...

Designing small wind systems properly

In order to safely withstand the relentless forces of Mother Nature, and to provide a full service life with minimized maintenance, small wind power...