Senvion Installs First Prototype Of New Turbine

With its beginnings in apple orchards, this company has returned to its green roots by machining large parts for the wind-power industry.


Senvion, a leading global manufacturer of wind turbines, has successfully completed the installation of the first 3.6M140 EBC (Eco Blade Control) turbine prototype at the Windtestfeld Nord near Husum, in Schleswig-Holstein, for 4testwind GmbH. The Senvion 3.6M140 EBC is one of Senvion’s biggest onshore turbines designed for moderate and strong wind speeds.

The new turbine is equipped with the innovative load-reducing pitch control system Eco Blade Control (EBC) technology, which enables optimized load management even in challenging wind conditions. The 3.6M140 EBC also features a newly designed steel tower and a larger rotor diameter of 140 meters which generates high yields even at lower wind speeds.

The rotor blades are equipped with the new Rodpack technology, which ensures a lighter blade design. At a hub height of 110 meters, the turbine can power up to 3,400 households per year and has an extended lifetime of 25 years.


The Windtestfeld Nord, near Husum, is just three kilometers away from the North Sea. This location offers the ideal wind conditions for the testing and the certification of the turbine.

“Senvion is committed to reducing the levelized cost of energy,” said Jürgen Geissinger, CEO at Senvion. “With this new turbine, we have combined core product developments to create a machine that is targeted toward optimal energy efficiency. The combination of the 140-meter rotor diameter and the upgrade to 3.6 MW allows additional output at the same site. Even with the larger 68.5-meter rotor blades, the 3.6M140 EBC can be installed in the same amount of time as a smaller turbine, ensuring an effective solution for our customers.”

The wind-farm owner, 4testwind GmbH, is a co-development from the iTerra GmbH & Co. KG and Betriebs und Beteiligungsgesellschaft Senvion mbH.

“Throughout this very demanding project, we have always been able to remain on track and keep focused together with our manufacturing partner, Senvion,” said Dr. Peter Brodersen, managing director at iTerra Wind GmbH & Co. KG. “Even the change to a newer type of plant was possible and despite all the adversities we were able to commission the prototype in time before the HUSUM Wind 2017. I would like to thank Senvion and all the others who have fought for the project. This determination and positive cooperation were the guarantors of success.”

Senvion presented the 3.6M140 EBC turbine at Hamburg WindEnergy in September 2016. Serial production for the turbine already has begun with further installations planned for this year.

Source: Senvion

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