The iSpin technology products available in Japan now


Hokutaku Ltd. and Romo Wind AG recently announced their exclusive partnership for the distribution of iSpin technology-based products and services in Japan. Hokutaku Ltd. will provide Romo Wind’s product and service portfolio to the Japanese market and will support the full life cycle from the distribution, installation, commissioning, and maintenance to measurements and analysis of iSpin measurement data.

With its advanced and accurate wind-measurement capabilities including turbulence intensity, yaw misalignment, and inflow angle measurements, in addition to wind speed and direction, the iSpin equipment is an enabler for load calculations and assessments as well as the optimization of the turbines in terms of yaw misalignment correction.

“With iSpin technology, Hokutaku Ltd. customers will be enabled to detect and correct yaw misalignment, therefore increase the revenues and reduce loads of the wind turbines,” said Brian Sørensen, CEO Romo Wind. “In addition, the iSpin technology will allow for the first time to measure the performance of all the wind turbines in a wind farm as well as other important wind-site conditions.”

“The ability to measure accurate wind speed, yaw misalignment, turbulence intensity, and inflow angle is key for the optimization of wind turbines in such a complex terrain as we have it here in Japan,” said Satoru Yoshida, vice president of Hokutaku Ltd. “We are glad that we are now able to offer the advanced iSpin wind-measurement products and services to our customers exclusively. This will improve wind-turbine performance and contribute greatly to the wind-power industry in Japan.”
