Ericsson and Comau show 5G Digital Twin at Hannover Messe


Ericsson and Comau recently showed the Digital Twin enabled by the 5G connectivity to the Hannover Messe. This innovation project, which is being tested, represents a further step in the long-lasting partnership between Ericsson and Comau aimed at developing new use cases and solutions for Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing, thanks to the potential offered by the fifth-generation mobile technology.

The Digital Twin increases operation and gives the ability to simulate, plan, and solve complex solutions within a digital environment that replicates the real one. (Courtesy: Ericsson)

Comau and Ericsson showed the digitized version of an assembly line in an automotive plant. Using special glasses for virtual reality applications, visitors were immersed in the line and could “move” within it, monitoring the key parameters of the processes and of the machines, such as vibrations, temperature, pressures, and absorptions. A virtual reality digital dashboard, which can be used with a standard tablet, will identify situations that could create slowdowns or interruptions in the process by providing instructions to tackle the problem effectively.

The features of 5G connectivity allow a collection of a stable, continuous, and massive flow of data in real-time that is vital for automation processes.
