Kardie Equipment, a TGM Wind Services company, leading AWP provider, and turbine cleaner for the past decade, has relaunched its specialized wind-turbine generator cleaning service and expanded its cleaning capabilities to include more industry sectors.
TGM Wind prides itself on being the most efficient and environmentally friendly high-reach cleaning service company on the market, using the largest fleet of Bronto Skylifts in North America. With 10 years of experience providing both access and cleaning, TGM Wind remains the industry leader and preferred cleaning provider. The company accomplishes this by offering customers a choice between hand-washing or pressure-washing, both of which provide a unique set of advantages.

The benefits of hand-washing in place of the pressure washer method are numerous and impactful. First and foremost, the hand-washing method uses significantly less water. Roughly five gallons of water are used to hand-clean a standard 90-meter wind turbine versus 30 gallons with the traditional pressure-washing method.
When hand-washing, TGM only uses the minimum amount of water required, to ensure there is no water waste, while also increasing efficiency. When cleaning with a power-washer, one usually starts at the top of the turbine, and all the water, dirt, and oil must be washed the full length down the turbine. Using the hand-wash method (and environmentally friendly soaps and solutions), TGM technicians are able to hand wipe only the top of the turbine where most of the dirt and oil stains are.
TGM Wind is leveraging its expertise as the renewables sector leader in cleaning, and now delivering the same best practices to the utility, power generation, refining, and telecommunications industries.
More info www.kardieequipment.com/tgmcleaning