Robotic automation of data cleaning optimizes operations


hen it comes to wid park operations, data is invaluable — indeed, it is utterly critical to a healthy business. The general consensus in the industry, however, is that that 80 percent of the employee time spent on wind-farm data is used in cleaning it up, while only 20 percent is spent on actual analysis and optimization.

SCADA International has now addressed this challenge with the launch of Robotic Data Intelligence, a patented new software solution that automatically cleans, organizes, and reports wind-farm data. By doing so, the innovative software ensures the data enhancement that underlies operational optimization.“Gathering and cleaning data are two of the most difficult and time-consuming tasks in operating a wind park,” said Thomas Bagger, CEO of SCADA International. “Nevertheless, they are vital elements of a successful operation. But while high-quality data supports good decision-making, poor or missing data can mean missed opportunities and lost income.”

SCADA International has launched Robotic Data Intelligence, a patented new software solution that automatically cleans, organizes, and reports wind-farm data. (Courtesy: Scada International)

The new software was designed to complement OneView® SCADA software and its well-known data-collection features. While OneView® SCADA retrieves data and provides precise calculations of up and downtime, production losses, and availability, Robotic Data Intelligence organizes and qualifies that data. And that makes it possible to dedicate more time on analysis and optimization and less on validation.

“The reason wind-park operators use so much time to systemize the data they’ve gathered is that unfortunately, errors in event sequences are not unusual,” said Bo Lovmand, SCADA International’s R&D director. “For instance, a reset can mean anywhere from a couple of minutes to several months of incorrect calculations. With this new software solution, such errors will be discovered immediately — and automatically. Robotic Data Intelligence gathers data from several sources, cleans it by weeding out incorrect and duplicate data, and formats it all in accurate, easy-to-understand summaries.”

The new software was developed in consultation with a group of experts who specialize in different types of wind turbines. In that way, SCADA International has ensured the best overview of operating situations, regardless of the makeup of a particular wind turbine fleet.

Bagger notes Robotic Data Intelligence is undergoing further development in order to make it possible to customize advanced reporting systems.

“One of our chief goals is to improve transparency in calculating turbine availability, both operational and contractual,” he said. “By doing that, we’ll make it possible for wind-park operators to develop optimization strategies that utilize existing equipment and free up more time to find solutions instead of identifying problems.”

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